If you've got Windows or Mac OS X, then you can easily create a screen saver made up of images from my website. Here's how to do it.
Windows: First, download the screen saver images zip file (7.0 MB) to your desktop. Double-click on the zip file, and when it opens, copy the images inside the zip file into your 'My Pictures' folder (which you can find in the 'Start' menu). Now right-click on the Desktop, choose 'Properties' from the menu that appears, and go to the 'Screen Saver' tab. in the 'Screen Saver' dropdown halfway down the dialog box, choose 'My Pictures Slideshow' and click on 'Apply', and your screen saver will now be set up to display a selection of my travel photographs. For finer control over how this works, simply click on the 'Settings' button in the dialog box.
Mac OS X: First, download the screen saver images zip file (7.0 MB) to your desktop. Double-click on the zip file, and when it opens, copy the images into a folder of your own choosing. To set up the screen saver, Ctrl-click on the desktop (or right-click if you have a two-button mouse) and choose 'Change Desktop Background...' from the menu that appears. Click on the 'Screen Saver' tab in the dialog box that opens, scroll the left-hand pane until you see 'Choose Folder...', click on this, track down the folder you just saved the pictures to... and you should now have a screen saver set to display images from my site.
Here's a list of the images included in the screen saver package. If there's an image from my site that you'd like to add to your screen saver that doesn't come in the zip file above, then you can track down a high resolution version of that image by clicking on its thumbnail, either in the photo library or in an article. If there is a high resolution image available, then you should see a link to it; click on this link and save the image from your browser into your My Pictures folder (for Windows) or the folder you created above (for Mac OS X). The image should now appear in your screen saver.